Bs iso 27916 2019 4 2 2019

Pro vyhledávací frázi Bs iso 27916 2019 4 2 2019 jsme na našem vyhledávači našli 44 výsledků. Nenašli jste přesně to, co jste hledali? Zkuste frázi Bs iso 27916 2019 4 2 2019 trochu pozměnit a opět zadat do vyhledávacího pole. Pevně věříme, že produkt, který hledáte v naší nabídce na srovnávači CoChceš.cz naleznete!

Nalezeno 44 produktů

BS ISO 27916:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 27916:2019 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage. Carbon dioxide storage using enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR).

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BS EN ISO 20186-2:2019 2.4.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 20186-2:2019 Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations. Specifications for pre-examination processes for venous whole blood. Isolated cellular RNA.

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BS EN ISO 80601-2-61:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 80601-2-61:2019 Medical electrical equipment. Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of pulse oximeter equipment.(Zdravotnické elektrické přístroje - Část 2-61: Zvláštní požadavky na základní bezpečnost a nezbytnou funkčnost přístrojů pro pulzní oxymetrii.)

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BS ISO 29281-2:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 29281-2:2019 Intelligent transport systems. Localized communications. Legacy system support.(Inteligentní dopravní systémy - Komunikační infrastruktura pro pozemní mobilní zařízení (CALM) - Připojení CALM k síti non-IP - Část 2: Podpora stávajících používaných komunikačních rozhraní. )

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BS ISO 5834-4:2019 13.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 5834-4:2019 Implants for surgery. Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene. Oxidation index measurement method.

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BS ISO 18646-2:2019 16.4.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 18646-2:2019 Robotics. Performance criteria and related test methods for service robots. Navigation.

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BS ISO 8573-4:2019 21.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 8573-4:2019 Compressed air. Contaminant measurement. Particle content.(Stlačený vzduch - Část 4: Zkušební metody pro stanovení obsahu pevných částic. )

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BS EN ISO 15023-2:2019 17.4.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 15023-2:2019 Plastics. Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVAL) materials. Determination of properties.(Plasty - Polyvinylalkohol (PVAL) - Část 2: Stanovení vlastností )

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BS EN ISO 15118-4:2019 20.2.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 15118-4:2019 Road vehicles. Vehicle to grid communication interface. Network and application protocol conformance test.

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BS ISO 11783-2:2019 15.4.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 11783-2:2019 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry. Serial control and communications data network. Physical layer.

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BS EN ISO 15708-2:2019 24.4.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 15708-2:2019 Non-destructive testing. Radiation methods for Computed tomography. Principles, equipment and samples.

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BS ISO 16300-2:2019 25.4.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 16300-2:2019 Automation systems and integration. Interoperability of capability units for manufacturing application solutions. Capability templates and software unit cataloguing.

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BS ISO 17840-2:2019 25.4.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 17840-2:2019 Road vehicles. Information for first and second responders. Rescue sheet for buses, coaches and heavy commercial vehicles.

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BS EN ISO 19062-2:2019 10.4.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 19062-2:2019 Plastics. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) moulding and extrusion materials. Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties.

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BS EN ISO 20558-2:2019 1.4.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 20558-2:2019 Plastics. Poly(phenylene sulfide) (PPS) moulding and extrusion materials. Preparation of test specimen and determination of properties.

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BS ISO 2597-2:2019 15.4.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 2597-2:2019 Iron ores. Determination of total iron content. Titrimetric methods after titanium(III) chloride reduction.

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BS ISO 4141-2:2019 15.4.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 4141-2:2019 Road vehicles. Multi-core connecting cables. Test methods and requirements for high performance sheathed cables.

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BS EN ISO 20186-1:2019 2.4.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 20186-1:2019 Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations. Specifications for pre-examination processes for venous whole blood. Isolated cellular RNA.

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BS ISO/IEC 20933:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 20933:2019 Information technology. Distributed application platforms and services (DAPS). Framework for distributed real-time access systems.

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BS EN ISO 294-4:2019 11.2.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 294-4:2019 Plastics. Injection moulding of test specimens of thermoplastic materials. Determination of moulding shrinkage.(Plasty - Vstřikování zkušebních těles z termoplastů - Část 4: Stanovení smrštění.)

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BS EN ISO 5398-4:2019 11.2.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 5398-4:2019 Leather. Chemical determination of chromic oxide content. Quantification by inductively coupled plasma (ICP).(Usně - Chemické stanovení obsahu oxidu chromitého - Část 4: Metoda optické emisní spektrometrie s indukčně vázaným plazmatem )

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BS EN ISO 1183-2:2019 24.4.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 1183-2:2019 Plastics. Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics. Density gradient column method.(Plasty - Metody stanovení hustoty nelehčených plastů - Část 2: Metoda hustotního gradientu.)

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BS EN ISO 17072-2:2019 17.4.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 17072-2:2019 Leather. Chemical determination of metal content. Total metal content.(Usně - Chemické stanovení obsahu kovů - Část 2: Celkový obsah kovů )

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BS ISO 4386-2:2019 24.4.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 4386-2:2019 Plain bearings. Metallic multilayer plain bearings. Destructive testing of bond for bearing metal layer thicknesses greater than or equal to 2 mm.

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BS ISO 19642-4:2019 1.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 19642-4:2019 Road vehicles. Automotive cables. Dimensions and requirements for 30 V a.c. and 60 V d.c. single core aluminium conductor cables.

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BS EN ISO 21306-2:2019 17.4.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 21306-2:2019 Plastics. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) moulding and extrusion materials. Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties.

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BS ISO 8178-3:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 8178-3:2019 Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Exhaust emission measurement. Test procedures for measurement of exhaust gas smoke emissions from compression ignition engines using a filter type smoke meter.

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BS ISO/IEC 9798-3:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 9798-3:2019 IT Security techniques. Entity authentication. Mechanisms using digital signature techniques.(Informační technologie - Bezpečnostní techniky - Mechanismy autentizace entit - Část 3: Autentizace entit používající algoritmus s veřejným klíčem.)

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BS ISO 19642-7:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 19642-7:2019 Road vehicles. Automotive cables. Dimensions and requirements for 30 V a.c. or 60 V d.c. round, sheathed, screened or unscreened multi or single core copper conductor cables.

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BS ISO 19642-8:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 19642-8:2019 Road vehicles. Automotive cables. Dimensions and requirements for 30 V a.c. or 60 V d.c. round, sheathed, screened or unscreened multi or single core aluminium conductor cables.

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BS ISO/IEC 15693-2:2019 29.4.2019

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 15693-2:2019 Cards and security devices for personal identification. Contactless vicinity objects. Air interface and initialization.(Identifikační karty - Bezkontaktní karty s integrovanými obvody - Karty s vazbou na dálku - Část 2: Vzduchové rozhraní a inicializace.)

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BS EN ISO 19065-2:2019 10.4.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 19065-2:2019 Plastics. Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate (ASA), acrylonitrile-(ethylene-propylene-diene)-styrene (AEPDS) and acrylonitrile-(chlorinated polyethylene)-styrene (ACS) moulding and extrusion materials. Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties.

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BS EN ISO 10524-3:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 10524-3:2019 Pressure regulators for use with medical gases. Pressure regulators integrated with cylinder valves (VIPRs).(Redukční ventily k použití s medicinálními plyny - Část 3: Redukční ventily sdružené s ventily lahví na plyny.)

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BS ISO/IEC 14651:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 14651:2019 Information technology. International string ordering and comparison. Method for comparing character strings and description of the common template tailorable ordering.(Informační technologie - Mezinárodní řazení a porovnání řetězců - Metoda pro porovnávání znakových řetězců a popis obecné šablony pro přizpůsobení řazení.)...

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BS ISO 19642-10:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 19642-10:2019 Road vehicles. Automotive cables. Dimensions and requirements for 600 V a.c. or 900 V d.c. and 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. round, sheathed, screened or unscreened multi or single core aluminium conductor cables.

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BS ISO 19642-5:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 19642-5:2019 Road vehicles. Automotive cables. Dimensions and requirements for 600 V a.c. or 900 V d.c. and 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. single core copper conductor cables.

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BS ISO 19642-6:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 19642-6:2019 Road vehicles. Automotive cables. Dimensions and requirements for 600 V a.c. or 900 V d.c. and 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. single core aluminium conductor cables.

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BS ISO 19642-9:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 19642-9:2019 Road vehicles. Automotive cables. Dimensions and requirements for 600 V a.c. or 900 V d.c. and 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. round, sheathed, screened or unscreened multi or single core copper conductor cables.

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BS ISO 4037-3:2019 4.2.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 4037-3:2019 Radiological protection. X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy. Calibration of area and personal dosemeters and the measurement of their response as a function of energy and angle of incidence.

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BS ISO 4037-2:2019 22.1.2019

Platná norma BS ISO 4037-2:2019 Radiological protection. X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy. Dosimetry for radiation protection over the energy ranges from 8 keV to 1,3 MeV and 4 MeV to 9 MeV.

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BS EN ISO 6506-2:2018 4.1.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 6506-2:2018 Metallic materials. Brinell hardness test. Verification and calibration of testing machines.(Kovové materiály - Zkouška tvrdosti podle Brinella - Část 2: Ověřování a kalibrace zkušebních zařízení.)

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BS EN ISO 294-2:2018 4.1.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 294-2:2018 Plastics. Injection moulding of test specimens of thermoplastic materials. Small tensile bars.(Plasty - Vstřikování zkušebních těles z termoplastů - Část 2: Malá tahová tělesa.)

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BS EN ISO 20166-2:2018 4.1.2019

Platná norma BS EN ISO 20166-2:2018 Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations. Specifications for pre-examinations processes for formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue. Isolated proteins.

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BS ISO/IEC 14543-5-12:2019 29.4.2019

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 14543-5-12:2019 Information technology. Home electronic system (HES) architecture. Intelligent grouping and resource sharing for HES Class 2 and Class 3. Remote access test and verification.

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