Bs iso 16763 2016 31 3 2016

Pro vyhledávací frázi Bs iso 16763 2016 31 3 2016 jsme na našem vyhledávači našli 160 výsledků. Nenašli jste přesně to, co jste hledali? Zkuste frázi Bs iso 16763 2016 31 3 2016 trochu pozměnit a opět zadat do vyhledávacího pole. Pevně věříme, že produkt, který hledáte v naší nabídce na srovnávači CoChceš.cz naleznete!

Nalezeno 160 produktů

BS ISO 16763:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 16763:2016 Graphic technology. Post-press. Requirements for bound products.

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO 18158:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 18158:2016 Workplace air. Terminology.

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BS ISO 18461:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 18461:2016 International museum statistics.

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BS ISO 9206:2016 31.3.2016

Neplatná norma BS ISO 9206:2016 Aerospace series. Constant displacement hydraulic motors. General specifications.

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Dostupnost: do 2 dnů

BS ISO 12612:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 12612:2016 Cinematography. Interchange of post-production sprocket-based materials.

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO 13860:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 13860:2016 Machinery for forestry. Forwarders. Terms, definitions and commercial specifications.

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BS ISO 16577:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 16577:2016 Molecular biomarker analysis. Terms and definitions.

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BS ISO 17586:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 17586:2016 Soil quality. Extraction of trace elements using dilute nitric acid.

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BS ISO 18645:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 18645:2016 Fertilizers and soil conditioners. Water soluble fertilizer. General requirements.

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BS ISO 8278:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 8278:2016 Aerospace series. Hydraulic, pressure compensated, variable delivery pumps. General requirements.

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BS ISO 3286:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 3286:2016 Single point cutting tools. Corner radii.

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BS ISO 3466:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 3466:2016 Machine taper pin reamers with parallel shanks.

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BS ISO 3764:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 3764:2016 Timekeeping instruments. Movements. Types, dimensions and nomenclature.

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BS ISO 10959:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 10959:2016 Aerospace. MJ threads. Gauging.(Letectví a kosmonautika - MJ závity - Měření )

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BS ISO 17546:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 17546:2016 Space systems. Lithium ion battery for space vehicles. Design and verification requirements.

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BS ISO 18550:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 18550:2016 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics). Testing method for macroheterogeneity in microstructure.

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BS ISO 19820:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 19820:2016 Water quality. Determination of the acute toxicity to the marine rotifer Brachionus plicatilis.

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BS ISO 3365:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 3365:2016 Indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts with wiper edges, without fixing hole. Dimensions.

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BS ISO 16637:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 16637:2016 Radiological protection. Monitoring and internal dosimetry for staff members exposed to medical radionuclides as unsealed sources.

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BS ISO 18643:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 18643:2016 Fertilizers and soil conditioners. Determination of biuret content of urea-based fertilizers. HPLC method.

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BS ISO 3467:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 3467:2016 Machine taper pin reamers with Morse taper shanks.(Strojní kuželové výstružníky s kuželovitostí 1:50 s kuželovou stopkou Morse.)

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BS ISO 3917:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 3917:2016 Road vehicles. Safety glazing materials. Test methods for resistance to radiation, high temperature, humidity, fire and simulated weathering.

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BS ISO 14296:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 14296:2016 Intelligent transport systems. Extension of map database specifications for applications of cooperative ITS.(Inteligentní dopravní systémy (ITS) - Rozšíření specifikací mapových databází pro aplikace kooperativních ITS. )

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO 18535:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 18535:2016 Diamond-like carbon films. Determination of friction and wear characteristics of diamond-like carbon films by ball-on-disc method.

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BS ISO 18554:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 18554:2016 Surface chemical analysis. Electron spectroscopies. Procedures for identifying, estimating and correcting for unintended degradation by X-rays in a material undergoing analysis by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO 12260:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 12260:2016 Aerospace. Screws, pan head, internal offset cruciform ribbed or unribbed drive, stepped shank, short or medium length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1 100 MPa. Dimensions.

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO 3209:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 3209:2016 Aerospace. Nuts, anchor, self-locking, floating, two lug, with counterbore, with MJ threads, classifications: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 $0DC, 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 $0DC and 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/ 425 $0DC. Dimensions.(Letectví a kosmonautika - Samojistné matice k přinýtování, posuvné, dvoustran...

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO 9609:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 9609:2016 Aerospace. Nuts, hexagonal, plain, reduced height, normal across f lats, with MJ threads, classifications: 450 MPa (at ambient temperature) /120 $0DC, 450 MPa (at ambient temperature) /235 $0DC, 600 MPa (at ambi ent temperature) /425 $0DC, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature) /235 $0DC, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature) /315 $0DC, 900 MPa (a...

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO 9618:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 9618:2016 Aerospace. Nuts, hexagonal, slotted (castellated), reduced height, normal across flats, with MJ threads, classifications: 450 MPa (at ambient temperature)/120 $0DC, 450 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 $0DC, 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 $0DC, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 $0DC, 900 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 $0DC, 900 MPa...

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO 10889-3:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 10889-3:2016 Tool holders with cylindrical shank. Type B with rectangular radial seat.

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BS ISO 13165-3:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 13165-3:2016 Water quality. Radium-226. Test method using coprecipitation and gamma-spectrometry.

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BS ISO 20251:2016 31.3.2017

Platná norma BS ISO 20251:2016 Textile floor coverings. Water impermeability test.

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BS EN ISO 8430-3:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS EN ISO 8430-3:2016 Resistance spot welding. Electrode holders. Parallel shank fixing for end thrust.(Odporové svařování - Držáky elektrod - Část 3: Válcové upnutí s dorazem )

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BS ISO/IEC 14888-3:2016 31.3.2016

Neplatná norma BS ISO/IEC 14888-3:2016 Information technology. Security techniques. Digital signatures with appendix. Discrete logarithm based mechanisms.(Informační technologie - Bezpečnostní techniky - Digitální podpisy s dodatkem - Část 3: Mechanismy založené na certifikátu.)

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Dostupnost: do 2 dnů

BS EN ISO 4892-3:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS EN ISO 4892-3:2016 Plastics. Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources. Fluorescent UV lamps.(Plasty - Metody vystavení plastů laboratorním zdrojům světla - Část 3: Fluorescenční UV lampy.)

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BS ISO 4046-3:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 4046-3:2016 Paper, board, pulps and related terms. Vocabulary. Paper-making terminology.(Papír, lepenka, vlákniny a souvisící názvosloví - Slovník - Část 3: Názvosloví výroby papíru.)

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BS EN ISO 4499-3:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS EN ISO 4499-3:2016 Hardmetals. Metallographic determination of microstructure. Measurement of microstructural features in Ti (C, N) and WC/cubic carbide based hardmetals.(Tvrdokovy - Metalografické stanovení mikrostruktury - Část 3: Měření charakteristických prvků mikrostruktury u tvrdokovů na bázi Ti (C, N) a WC/kubický karbid )

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BS EN ISO 21809-3:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS EN ISO 21809-3:2016 Petroleum and natural gas industries. External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems. Field joint coatings.(Naftový a plynárenský průmysl - Vnější povlaky potrubí uložených v zemi nebo ve vodě používaných v potrubních přepravních systémech - Část 3: Povlaky svarového spoje )...

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO 18466:2016 31.3.2017

Platná norma BS ISO 18466:2016 Stationary source emissions. Determination of the biogenic fraction in C O$d2 in stack gas using the balance method.(Stacionární zdroje emisí - Bilanční určení podílu biogenního CO2 ve spalinách. )

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BS ISO 17987-3:2016 31.8.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 17987-3:2016 Road vehicles. Local Interconnect Network (LIN). Protocol specification.

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BS EN ISO 11197:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS EN ISO 11197:2016 Medical supply units.(Zdravotnické napájecí jednotky.)

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BS EN ISO 18397:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS EN ISO 18397:2016 Dentistry. Powered scaler.(Stomatologie - Poháněné škrabky )

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BS EN ISO 19119:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS EN ISO 19119:2016 Geographic information. Services.(Geografická informace - Služby.)

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BS ISO/IEC 20648:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 20648:2016 Information technology. TLS specification for storage systems.

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BS ISO/IEC 30106-1:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 30106-1:2016 Information technology. Object oriented BioAPI. Architecture.

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BS ISO/IEC 13249-3:2016 31.1.2016

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 13249-3:2016 Information technology. Database languages. SQL multimedia and application packages. Spatial.

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BS ISO/IEC 40314:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 40314:2016 Information technology. Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 2nd Edition.

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BS ISO 10889-4:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 10889-4:2016 Tool holders with cylindrical shank. Type C with rectangular axial seat.

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BS ISO 10889-5:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 10889-5:2016 Tool holders with cylindrical shank. Type D with more than one rectangular seat.

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BS ISO 10889-6:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 10889-6:2016 Tool holders with cylindrical shank. Type E with cylindrical seat.

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BS ISO 10889-7:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 10889-7:2016 Tool holders with cylindrical shank. Type F with taper seat.

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BS ISO 12103-1:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 12103-1:2016 Road vehicles. Test contaminants for filter evaluation. Arizona test dust.

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BS ISO 13491-1:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 13491-1:2016 Financial services. Secure cryptographic devices (retail). Concepts, requirements and evaluation methods.

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BS EN ISO 13904:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS EN ISO 13904:2016 Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of tryptophan content.(Krmiva - Stanovení obsahu tryptofanu )

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BS ISO 6624-4:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 6624-4:2016 Internal combustion engines. Piston rings. Half keystone rings made of steel.

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BS ISO 12480-3:2016 31.8.2016

Platná norma BS ISO 12480-3:2016 Cranes. Safe use. Tower cranes.(Jeřáby - Bezpečné používání - Část 3: Věžové jeřáby.)

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS EN ISO 17450-3:2016 31.7.2016

Platná norma BS EN ISO 17450-3:2016 Geometrical product specifications (GPS). General concepts. Toleranced features.(Geometrické specifikace produktu (GPS) - Obecné pojmy - Část 3: Tolerování prvků )

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO/IEC 23001-7:2016 31.3.2016

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 23001-7:2016 Information technology. MPEG systems technologies. Common encryption in ISO base media file format files.

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO/IEC 15149-3:2016 31.1.2016

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 15149-3:2016 Information technology. Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. Magnetic field area network (MFAN). Relay Protocol for Extended Range.

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Dostupnost: skladem

BS ISO/IEC 18384-3:2016 31.7.2016

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 18384-3:2016 Information technology. Reference Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA RA). Service Oriented Architecture ontology.

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Dostupnost: skladem
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