Bs iso 15016 2015 30 4 2015

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BS ISO 15016:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 15016:2015 Ships and marine technology. Guidelines for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data.

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BS ISO 18517:2015 30.4.2015

Neplatná norma BS ISO 18517:2015 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Hardness testing. Introduction and guide.

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Dostupnost: do 2 dnů

BS ISO 17867:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 17867:2015 Particle size analysis. Small-angle X-ray scattering.

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BS ISO 17957:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 17957:2015 Photography. Digital cameras. Shading measurements.

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BS ISO 18066:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 18066:2015 Textiles. Manmade filament yarns. Determination of shrinkage in boiling water.

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BS ISO 18835:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 18835:2015 Inhalational anaesthesia systems. Draw-over anaesthetic systems.

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BS ISO 9876:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 9876:2015 Ships and marine technology. Marine facsimile receivers for meteorological charts.

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BS ISO 699:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 699:2015 Pulps. Determination of alkali resistance.

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BS ISO 3537:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 3537:2015 Road vehicles. Safety glazing materials. Mechanical tests.

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BS ISO 16505:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 16505:2015 Road vehicles. Ergonomic and performance aspects of Camera Monitor Systems. Requirements and test procedures.

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BS ISO 16560:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 16560:2015 Surface active agents. Determination of polyethylene glycol content in nonionic ethoxylated surfactants. HPLC method.

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BS ISO 16573:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 16573:2015 Steel. Measurement method for the evaluation of hydrogen embrittlement resistance of high strength steels.

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BS ISO 18215:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 18215:2015 Ships and marine technology. Vessel machinery operations in polar waters. Guidelines.

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BS ISO 6505:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 6505:2015 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination of tendency to adhere to and corrode metals.

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BS ISO 602:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 602:2015 Coal. Determination of mineral matter.(Uhlí - Stanovení obsahu popelovin.)

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BS ISO 16237:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 16237:2015 Mechanical joining. Destructive testing of joints. Specimen dimensions and test procedure for cross-tension testing of single joints.

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BS ISO 19045:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 19045:2015 Ophthalmic optics. Contact lens care products. Method for evaluating Acanthamoeba encystment by contact lens care products.

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BS ISO 3260:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 3260:2015 Pulps. Determination of chlorine consumption (Degree of delignification).(Buničiny. Určení spotřeby chlóru (stupeň delignifikace).)

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BS ISO 10790:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 10790:2015 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits. Guidance to the selection, installation and use of Coriolis flowmeters (mass flow, density and volume flow measurements).

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BS ISO 14317:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 14317:2015 Sintered metal materials excluding hardmetals. Determination of compressive yield strength.(Spékané kovové materiály s výjimkou tvrdokovů - Stanovení meze kluzu v tlaku.)

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BS ISO 17224:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 17224:2015 Corrosion of metals and alloys. Test method for high temperature corrosion testing of metallic materials by application of a deposit of salt, ash, or other substances.

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BS ISO 17245:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 17245:2015 Corrosion of metals and alloys. Test method for high temperature corrosion testing of metallic materials by immersing in molten salt or other liquids under static conditions.

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BS ISO 17248:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 17248:2015 Corrosion of metals and alloys. Test method for high temperature corrosion testing of metallic materials by embedding in salt, ash, or other solids.

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BS ISO 18118:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 18118:2015 Surface chemical analysis. Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Guide to the use of experimentally determined relative sensitivity factors for the quantitative analysis of homogeneous materials.

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BS ISO 7738:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 7738:2015 Assembly tools for screws and nuts. Combination wrenches. Lengths of wrenches and maximum thickness of heads.(Montážní nářadí na šrouby a matice - Kombinované klíče - Délky klíčů a maximální tloušťky hlav.)

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BS ISO 18249:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 18249:2015 Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing. Specific methodology and general evaluation criteria for testing of fibre-reinforced polymers.(Nedestruktivní zkoušení - Zkoušení akustickou emisí - Specifická metodika a obecná kritéria hodnocení pro zkoušení polymerů vyztužených vlákny.)

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BS ISO 26684:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 26684:2015 Intelligent transport systems (ITS). Cooperative intersection signal information and violation warning systems (CIWS). Performance requirements and test procedures.(Inteligentní dopravní systémy (ITS) - Kooperativní křižovatkové signální informace a varovné systémy přestupku (CIWS) - Funkční požadavky a zkušební postupy. )...

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BS ISO 17280:2015 30.6.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 17280:2015 Surface active agents. Determination of 1,4-dioxan residues in surfactants obtained from epoxyethane by gas chromatography.

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BS ISO 11040-4:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 11040-4:2015 Prefilled syringes. Glass barrels for injectables and sterilized subassembled syringes ready for filling.

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BS ISO 4437-4:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 4437-4:2015 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels. Polyethylene (PE). Valves.

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BS ISO/IEC 18014-4:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 18014-4:2015 Information technology. Security techniques. Time-stamping services. Traceability of time sources.(Informační technologie - Bezpečnostní techniky - Služby pro vyznačení času - Část 4: Sledovatelnost zdroje času.)

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BS ISO 5611-4:2015 30.11.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 5611-4:2015 Cartridges, type A, for indexable inserts. Style J.

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BS ISO 14084-2:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 14084-2:2015 Process diagrams for power plants. Graphical symbols.

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BS ISO 16620-1:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 16620-1:2015 Plastics. Biobased content. General principles.

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BS ISO 16620-2:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 16620-2:2015 Plastics. Biobased content. Determination of biobased carbon content.

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BS ISO 16620-3:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 16620-3:2015 Plastics. Biobased content. Determination of biobased synthetic polymer content.

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BS ISO 9022-11:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 9022-11:2015 Optics and photonics. Environmental test methods. Mould growth.

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BS ISO 9022-12:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 9022-12:2015 Optics and photonics. Environmental test methods. Contamination.

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BS ISO 9022-14:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 9022-14:2015 Optics and photonics. Environmental test methods. Dew, hoarfrost, ice.

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BS ISO/IEC 19678:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 19678:2015 Information Technology. BIOS Protection Guidelines.

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BS ISO 22077-1:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 22077-1:2015 Health informatics. Medical waveform format. Encoding rules.

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BS ISO 13164-4:2015 30.6.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 13164-4:2015 Water quality. Radon-222. Test method using two-phase liquid scintillation counting.

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BS ISO/IEC 23003-4:2015 30.11.2015

Neplatná norma BS ISO/IEC 23003-4:2015 Information technology. MPEG audio technologies. Dynamic Range Control.

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Dostupnost: do 2 dnů

BS ISO 6469-4:2015 30.9.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 6469-4:2015 Electrically propelled road vehicles. Safety specifications. Post crash electrical safety.

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BS ISO 10924-3:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 10924-3:2015 Road vehicles. Circuit breakers. Miniature circuit breakers with tabs (Blade type), Form CB11.

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BS ISO 11040-7:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 11040-7:2015 Prefilled syringes. Packaging systems for sterilized subassembled syringes ready for filling.

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BS ISO 15106-5:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 15106-5:2015 Plastics. Film and sheeting. Determination of water vapour transmission rate. Pressure sensor method.

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BS ISO 15106-7:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 15106-7:2015 Plastics. Film and sheeting. Determination of water vapour transmission rate. Calcium corrosion method.

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BS ISO/IEC 15414:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 15414:2015 Information technology. Open distributed processing. Reference model. Enterprise language.

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BS ISO 17842-2:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 17842-2:2015 Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices. Operation and use.

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BS ISO 17972-1:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 17972-1:2015 Graphic technology. Colour data exchange format. Relationship to CxF3 (CxF/X).

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BS ISO 8600-2:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 8600-2:2015 Endoscopes. Medical endoscopes and endotherapy devices. Particular requirements for rigid bronchoscopes.

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BS ISO 9022-17:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 9022-17:2015 Optics and photonics. Environmental test methods. Combined contamination, solar radiation.

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BS EN ISO 14414:2015+A1:2016 30.4.2015

Neplatná norma BS EN ISO 14414:2015+A1:2016 Pump system energy assessment.(Energetické hodnocení systému čerpadla )

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Dostupnost: do 2 dnů

BS ISO/IEC 33003:2015 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO/IEC 33003:2015 Information technology. Process assessment. Requirements for process measurement frameworks.

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BS ISO 10896-4:2015 30.11.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 10896-4:2015 Rough-terrain trucks. Safety requirements and verification. Additional requirements for variable-reach trucks handling freely suspended loads.

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BS ISO 6742-4:2015 30.6.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 6742-4:2015 Cycles. Lighting and retro-reflective devices. Lighting systems powered by the cycle’s movement.

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BS ISO/IEC 23001-7:2015 30.4.2015

Neplatná norma BS ISO/IEC 23001-7:2015 Information technology. MPEG systems technologies. Common encryption in ISO base media file format files.

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Dostupnost: do 2 dnů

BS ISO 11783-7:2015+A1:2018 30.4.2015

Platná norma BS ISO 11783-7:2015+A1:2018 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry. Serial control and communications data network. Implement messages application layer.

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BS EN ISO 16994:2015 30.4.2015

Neplatná norma BS EN ISO 16994:2015 Solid biofuels. Determination of total content of sulfur and chlorine.(Tuhá biopaliva - Stanovení obsahu celkové síry a celkového chloru.)

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Dostupnost: do 2 dnů
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